The Purpose of an Essay

The Purpose of an Essay

In the Basic Cozy Essay Course, Marie distinguishes between the format of an essay and the purpose of an essay. The format of an essay is the technique of the essay, the simple building blocks with which it is made. The purpose, on the other hand, is the reason why any particular essay is being written. This reason might be to make a point, tell a story, or review a book, for instance.


A Free and Fun Game for Grammar

Marie believed that grammar gives us a marvelous way to understand the power of language, a way she believed could also be fun. That’s why this month we wanted to share a free and fun game for learning the eight parts of speech. Take a peek and then download a free PDF of Marie’s Cozy Grammar Game!

Here's a special tip of my own.

The NEW Basic Cozy Essay Course

We’re thrilled to announce the release of the second edition of The Basic Cozy Essay Course, complete with all-new additional videos filmed in London, England. In this free excerpt from Lesson 1, Marie answers the question What is an Essay?, gives an overview of her basic essay format, and shares some handy advice for getting started.

No one fails if they have the tools.

How to Write an Excellent Essay

One of the topics Marie was most intent on helping her students understand was how to write an essay. As she explains in the introduction to The Basic Cozy Essay Course, if we don’t know how to write an essay, it can be a fearsome assignment. But when we learn how, it can open innumerable doors—as it did for Marie herself.