Marie in a driftwood tree, with the test "Present Tense"

The Gift of the Present Tense

This month we wanted to talk about the hidden gift of the present tense and make a special announcement about our new PDF workbooks. Take a peek at her lesson on the present tense, then I’ll explain what I mean by the hidden gift of the present tense.

Isn't grammar about the rules of language? What does beauty have to do with it?

Grammar and Beauty

Just as it may seem strange at first to talk about grammar and gratitude, it may also seem strange to talk about grammar and beauty. But as Marie and Thomas explain in Lesson 14 of The Basic Cozy Grammar Course, beauty and grammar go together.


Gratitude and Grammar

What could be more surprising and helpful than talking about grammar and gratitude? We tend to think of grammar as dry and even lifeless, but properly taught, grammar can be an extraordinary and powerful tool for increasing awareness, unleashing creativity, and fostering true success. Take a peek at this month’s free videos to learn more!

Picture of Marie Rackham and text: "Cozy Grammar With Marie Rackham"

A Cozy Announcement

It is with great pleasure that we’re finally able to invite you to join Marie in and around her cozy cottage by the sea to learn and enjoy grammar and punctuation. The living textbook that Marie imagined from the beginning has finally become a reality, and we’re humbled and honored to be able to share it with you.