The Dash—

How to Use a Dash in a Sentence

Here’s how to use a dash in a sentence—and why! Dashes can be one of the most confusing punctuation marks in the English language. Not even the experts agree on how to use them. This, however, is a good thing. It shows how the English language is constantly evolving. And there are some simple ways to use them.

ellipsis mark . . . tells us that part of a text, story, or poem has been left out

How to Use an Ellipsis in a Sentence

Something students often find confusing is how to use an ellipsis in a sentence. We may see it employed all around us . . . and yet be uncertain how to use it ourselves. In the Basic Cozy Punctuation Course, Marie explores how to use the ellipsis as one of the four ways a period is used within a sentence.