Should we say “It is I” or “It is me”?

Cozy Grammar with Marie and Thomas

A student recently asked whether it's correct to say "it's me" or "it's I."

As I explain in this video, both are right, but for different reasons!

Free Music for Learning

We're offering a free album of your choice from Marie's albums of Music for Learning through the end of March as thanks for answering our Ask Cozy Grammar survey.

Remember, if you've signed up for any of our core courses, you and your family are heartily invited to join me for our live Ask Cozy Grammar session each month, included as a bonus with our Complete Curriculum.

This spring we're continuing to experiment with finding a day and time that works best for the largest number of our students and families.

If you haven't done so already, please help us by completing a very quick survey.

Click here to complete the survey.

Thank you!

The seventh of Marie's albums of music for learning.

A New Day for Ask Cozy Grammar

Here's the day and time for our next live Ask Cozy Grammar Q&A session:

All current students, teachers, and families are heartily invited to send Thomas questions as part of our Ask Cozy Grammar program.

Thomas will answer you directly in an email and may even make a personal video for you as well!

Here for the first time or in one of our free courses?

If this day and time works for you, please do consider joining us!

And if there's another day or time that would be better, complete our survey and let us know!

Behind the Scenes of Intermediate Grammar

The work on the updated and greatly expanded Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Levels One and Two continues.

Here's a peek at last year's garden, thinking of the new growth that will come with spring.

Sign up for our newsletter to know when the courses will be released!

Thomas explaining possessive pronouns in the garden

I hope this finds you and your family healthy and happy.



Marie's Language Consultant
The Cozy Grammar Series of Courses