
A Free and Fun Game for Grammar

Marie believed that grammar gives us a marvelous way to understand the power of language, a way she believed could also be fun. That’s why this month we wanted to share a free and fun game for learning the eight parts of speech. Take a peek and then download a free PDF of Marie’s Cozy Grammar Game!

Thomas sitting before the fire, with the words "a very short sentence, just a main subject and main predicate, can be very effective"

Subjects, Predicates & Spooky Tales

As the leaves start to turn our thoughts often turn to the coziness of a fire and the warmth of our homes. It’s a great time for getting back to basics. This month we wanted to share how getting back to grammatical basics and understanding main subjects and main predicates can help us in our storytelling.

Thomas Hitoshi Pruiksma, standing on Eagle Rock, ready to talk about co-ordinate conjunctions

What Are Conjunctions?

This month we wanted to share a video excerpt from Marie about conjunctions, as well as a companion video from Thomas about clauses. Both videos are set on Marie’s favorite Eagle Rock and give a sense for how the sea and the natural world around Marie’s Cozy Beach Cottage form an important part of Marie’s lessons.

Thomas on the stairs of Marie's cozy beach cottage, speaking about the art of using comparisons

What are the Three Degrees of Comparison?

This month we wanted to share two video excerpts from The Basic Cozy Grammar Course on the three degrees of comparison and make two special announcements about several new features that make Cozy Grammar easier to use, even more interactive, and even more affordable. Read on to learn more!

Marie standing with two pieces of firewood to explain what a subject and a predicate are.

What are Subjects and Predicates?

Last month we shared an excerpt from The Basic Cozy Grammar Course in which Marie showed how we can make our writing more interesting by changing the order of the subject and the predicate in our sentences. This month we wanted to share an excerpt that clarifies what, exactly, subjects and predicates are. Take a peek!