Exclamation Mark

Exclamation Marks and the Power of Language

Do you remember the first time you discovered exclamation marks? How powerful! And how fun! These marks can serve powerfully, especially when used adeptly. But using exclamation marks adeptly can take some practice. That’s why we wanted to share two free excerpts from our Basic Cozy Punctuation Course.

The Power of Pronouns

Despite their humble appearance, pronouns are one of a writer’s most useful tools and can even unleash great comedy. To show you what I mean—and to prepare you for a fun activity with language—take a peek at this month’s free excerpts. Just so you know, you may find yourself laughing!

Marie Rackham among driftwood, ready to talk about plural verbs.

Plural Verbs and the Pronoun You

Two video excerpts from Marie about plural verbs, as well as a companion video about why we use the plural verb “are” with the pronoun “you,” even if there’s only one of you. Both videos give a sense not only of Marie’s way of clarifying the basics of grammar, but also of how Marie and Thomas take those points into other realms of life. Take a peek!

Marie standing with two pieces of firewood to explain what a subject and a predicate are.

What are Subjects and Predicates?

Last month we shared an excerpt from The Basic Cozy Grammar Course in which Marie showed how we can make our writing more interesting by changing the order of the subject and the predicate in our sentences. This month we wanted to share an excerpt that clarifies what, exactly, subjects and predicates are. Take a peek!