Thomas in the Grand Hall of Hogwarts

Nature and Imagination

Marie celebrates the natural world and the power of imagination. Here’s an example of how Marie uses nature to walk students through the writing of an expository essay. In this month’s first free excerpt, Marie uses the basic essay format she teaches in the Basic Cozy Essay Course to write an essay about the beach in front of her Cozy Beach Cottage.


A Free and Fun Game for Grammar

Marie believed that grammar gives us a marvelous way to understand the power of language, a way she believed could also be fun. That’s why this month we wanted to share a free and fun game for learning the eight parts of speech. Take a peek and then download a free PDF of Marie’s Cozy Grammar Game!

Here's a special tip of my own.

The NEW Basic Cozy Essay Course

We’re thrilled to announce the release of the second edition of The Basic Cozy Essay Course, complete with all-new additional videos filmed in London, England. In this free excerpt from Lesson 1, Marie answers the question What is an Essay?, gives an overview of her basic essay format, and shares some handy advice for getting started.

David Mielke on the beach to introduce the Free Cozy Spelling Course

A Free and Cozy Way to Learn Spelling

We’re delighted to reopen Marie’s Free Cozy Spelling Course. Over the past five weeks, we’ve been hard at work redesigning and revamping this time-tested course for our new website. Watch Cozy Grammar’s producer and director David Mielke describe the features of this comprehensive and popular free course.