What makes some writing more interesting than other writing?

How to Make Sentences More Interesting

One of the reasons Marie wanted to make The Basic Cozy Grammar Course was to show how grammar—the technique of speaking and writing—can enhance creativity. We wanted to start the New Year by sharing an excerpt from The Basic Cozy Grammar Course in which Marie shows how knowledge of grammar can help make our sentences more interesting.

The Dash—

How to Use a Dash in a Sentence

Here’s how to use a dash in a sentence—and why! Dashes can be one of the most confusing punctuation marks in the English language. Not even the experts agree on how to use them. This, however, is a good thing. It shows how the English language is constantly evolving. And there are some simple ways to use them.

ellipsis mark . . . tells us that part of a text, story, or poem has been left out

How to Use an Ellipsis in a Sentence

Something students often find confusing is how to use an ellipsis in a sentence. We may see it employed all around us . . . and yet be uncertain how to use it ourselves. In the Basic Cozy Punctuation Course, Marie explores how to use the ellipsis as one of the four ways a period is used within a sentence.