About.Com ESL Guide

Review: The Basic Cozy Grammar Course English as a Second Language with your Guide Kenneth Beare In The Spotlight This video / workbook course focuses on learning a solid grasp of English grammar structure. The tutorials are taught on beautiful Vancouver Island employing an excellently presented multiple-intelligence approach. Product Summary The Basic Cozy Grammar Course[…]


Review: The Cozy Grammar Course Making the Grade: A+ Value for your Homeschool Dollar: 10 The Cozy Grammar Course “Grammar does not make you creative: it is a technique that enhances your creativity.  If you can’t speak well and write well your windows of opportunity are closed.” So begins, The Cozy Grammar Course, hosted by[…]

Life Learning

Review: Cozy Grammar Have Fun Improving Your Grammar Skills! Learning the basics of English grammar has never been this easy…or fun or cozy for that matter. Cozy Grammar is a highly recommended video program that features retired English teacher Marie Rackham hosting a series of relaxed tutorials, in and around her cottage on the beach[…]

Video Librarian

Video Review Magazine for Libraries Review: The Basic Cozy Grammar Course March/April 2002 Edition Instructor Marie Rackham’s Cozy Grammar Course offers a fine introduction to a subject that most of us blissfully forgot after emancipation from high school (and would opt to undergo multiple root canals rather than revisit.) In filmed lessons, Rackham draws from[…]

Parent and School Magazine

Official Magazine of New Zealand Parent Teacher Associations, Inc. Review: The Basic Cozy Grammar Course International Education Product The Cozy Grammar Series hosted by Marie Rackham, is a new educational audio-visual product, officially released to the world Home Video market in 2001. The series includes English grammar tutorials and companion exercises featuring study notes, exercises,[…]

About.Com Homework Tips Guide

Review: The Basic Cozy Grammar Course Homework Tips with your Guide Cathy Spalding Product Summary The Basic Cozy Grammar Course Guide Rating –  Guide Review Pros Video and workbook integrate well together. Can use the whole course or just specific parts. Video locations are varied and interesting. Cons Not enough exercises to go with each[…]

Diplomatic Educational Services

Letter of Recommendation The Basic Cozy Grammar Course as an ESL resource As an ESL consultant and developer of specialized ESL and TESL programs, I would like to commend Ms. Rackham on the creation of The Basic Cozy Grammar Course. I have been so pleased with the uniqueness of this program that I have recommended[…]

Education Update Magazine

Education News Today For A Better World Tomorrow Review: The Basic Cozy Grammar Course The Basic Cozy Grammar Course, a series of lessons on two videotapes with an accompanying workbook, was released in March by Splashes From The River Multimedia Entertainment. Marie Rackham, an exuberant retired English teacher, coaches her audience through 27 lessons from[…]

The Old Schoolhouse

Review: The Basic Cozy Grammar Course “Cozy, Cozy, COZIES!” is what my daughter Julia, age 5, shrieks as she dives under her covers and laughs, waiting for me to rush in after her and snuggle. The word “cozy” is just that….a word that makes you feel comfortable and warm, just like Julia feels when she[…]

All Star Review

Review: The Basic Cozy Grammar Course Synopsis: The Basic Cozy Grammar Course is a video course covering the basics of English grammar presented by a grandmotherly, Canadian English teacher. Included in this set, is a reproducible companion workbook featuring study notes, exercises, tests and answer key. Age-Appropriateness: The suggested age recommendation is 9-12. However, it[…]

Homeschool Oasis

Review: The Basic Cozy Grammar Course Is “Grammar” a word that ranks right in there with “spinach” for you?  Actually, spinach is one of my favorite foods, but then grammar is also one of my favorite subjects!  I realize that not everyone shares my enthusiasm for either spinach or grammar, yet, as parents and homeschoolers,[…]

Island Parent Magazine

  English Grammar Made Easy My 15 year old daughter recently asked me a question about her French homework. She muttered something about pronouns and indirect objects and I could tell she had no idea what she was talking about. The problem was not the French homework at all (the instructions for the exercise were[…]

Dove Foundation

Rating (out of 5): Family Approved Genre: Family Starring: Marie Rackham Synopsis: Marie Rackham, a former English teacher is the author and narrator of these videos regarding rules of grammar. She provides excellent explanations and examples, and the lessons are very suitable for all ages. Included is a workbook which reinforces the lessons in a[…]

British Columbia Homeschool Association

Review: The Basic Cozy Grammar Course The Basic Cozy Grammar Course is an award-winning video and workbook program that teaches grammar in a fun way — and teaches it well. This grammar course is well-named; it really is very pleasant to watch. The cheery instructor-hostess takes us through her lovely cottage and along her Vancouver[…]

Eclectic Homeschool Review

Review: The Basic Cozy Grammar Course The Basic Cozy Grammar Course was digitally shot on location on Vancouver Island in and around a beach cottage in Campbell River, British Columbia, Canada. The setting is serene and peaceful, leading the viewer to relax. The videos were conceived as a ‘living textbook’ and use the graphics of[…]

Film Advisory Board

  Hollywood, CA   Outstanding!  In our twenty-six years of evaluating family/children’s entertainment and educational products, we have never seen a program quite like ‘THE BASIC COZY GRAMMAR COURSE’! Marie Rackham, with 34 years of experience as an English teacher is a delightful instructor – and the beautiful surroundings of Campbell River in British Columbia[…]