Wonderful English course

I just wanted to thank you for helping me to get this wonderful English course. This is one of the best materials on English grammar I have ever seen. Thanks, again!

Video works very well for presenting the material

I have been using the course with a nine year old Japanese boy, a ten year old girl and two eleven year olds. All of them have previously lived in America and are fluent English speakers. I teach them privately one on one and make the video part of the lesson. The video works very[…]

I love this product

I am using the Cozy Grammar Course with my six year old son. My first language is Chinese, and I have always spoken to my son in Chinese so that he will keep it up. The problem is that he is now ready to start first grade, and he needs to focus on his English.[…]

I found this program extremely helpful

I loved the Cozy Grammar video/workbook course. In studying to become a certified ESL teacher I found this program extremely helpful as a review and in understanding the different parts of grammar and their proper use. The demonstrations were very helpful. I am looking forward to using this program with my future ESL students—what a[…]

A valuable contribution to the field of English language learning

As an ESL consultant and developer of specialized ESL and TESL programs, I would like to commend Ms. Rackham on the creation of The Basic Cozy Grammar Course. I have been so pleased with the uniqueness of this program that I have recommended it to various international language schools and ESL students. In fact, the[…]

A teacher that I have looked for all my life

Original Transcription: Last year, I wrote to the Primer Minister. I told him that the method of teaching immigrant people was wrong. His answered me, but didn’t change. The ESL classes are continuing boring. I have had some problems to learn English. I gave up some class. Today I went to library and I got[…]

Presented in a delightful manner

I want to pass along some responses from my colleagues about the Basic Cozy Grammar Course. From their point(s) of view they found the course was presented in a delightful manner using a unique approach in pleasant surroundings. They also mentioned they were fun and easy. And as a side note: They found Marie to[…]

A pleasure to write this testimonial

It’s a pleasure to write this testimonial in regards to The Basic Cozy Grammar Course. I’m the director of a training department for a national health care management company. I used the course for a train-the-trainer series that I held. I was a little apprehensive at first to use this with an adult population. Especially[…]

Gifted teacher

The Basic Cozy Grammar course is exceptional! Marie is an incredibly gifted teacher, and the workbook exercises, I found invaluable. I highly recommend it to all who want to improve their Grammar.

This course works very well

This course works very well for my learning style. Not only am I an audio/visual learner, but repetition is a key factor in aiding me to grasp new concepts. Being able to watch the lessons more than once has truly been beneficial and the workbook helps to reinforce what I have learned.

I highly recommend it

I am using The Basic Cozy Grammar Course to personally improve my writing skills. I highly recommend it as an adult learning tool—especially for older adults, like me, who are always looking for ways to better themselves.

Personal refresher and gift for my grandson

I bought the grammar course as a personal refresher and as a gift for my grandson. He isn’t quite old enough to use it yet; but, at least it will be available to him when he is. I like to be able to help him out whenever I can.

A resource that can benefit everyone

The setting was very pretty and therefore relaxing. The lessons are good, especially as key terms and concepts are highlighted by placing them in a caption at the bottom of the screen. This makes it easier to follow the video. The recapitulation at the end of the lesson was helpful, as were the ample examples.[…]

A wonderful addition

Most of the students and tutors who are taking part in doing the grammar course are very enthusiastic about both the video and the workbook part of the course. What students find most beneficial is being able to see, hear, and then work with the concepts being presented. One student, who has been with the[…]

Simple and clear

Who am I? A state certified teacher. A private tutor. A paid curriculum consultant. A MOTHER! I teach my own 6-year-old, 8-year-old, and 14-year-old. I teach a 16-year-old recent Russian immigrant. I teach a high school SLD/dyslexic student. I tutor several middle- and high-school students in composition (including applied grammar, of course). So what? Well,[…]