A wonderful addition

Most of the students and tutors who are taking part in doing the grammar course are very enthusiastic about both the video and the workbook part of the course. What students find most beneficial is being able to see, hear, and then work with the concepts being presented. One student, who has been with the program for several years and has never shown any interest in grammar before, is particularly pleased at being able to grasp these lessons even though he is not a strong reader. Another student was completely stuck on understanding adjectives so we skipped ahead to this lesson. It made things a great deal clearer, and he was able to continue with confidence.

Most of us, both students and tutors, think that Marie’s teaching style is amusing, and we learn better when we can laugh. I think the overall course is a wonderful addition to basic book learning and teaching, especially in an adult literacy class where many people read at a very basic level, and where the methods used in school have obviously been a failure.

Thank you very much for allowing us to experience this method of learning.