Covers everything without a lot of nonsense

My daughter likes your course and it has really helped her understand the English grammar.  We home school, so I would recommend it to any home schoolers out there. I have about $500 dollars worth of English grammar programmes, in search of the perfect programme that covers everything, without a lot of nonsense. You get bits and pieces of information, but nothing quite as straight forward as The Basic Cozy Grammar Course, or as easy to understand.

I am also helping a friend’s son with grammar. He tells me that it is helping him a lot. He is in grade 8, and I was amazed to hear that there was such a lot that he has never even been taught. Marie is right. Grammar does not seem to be a big issue out there at some schools; but it is a real big issue in life. It is the foundation of all other education that we can attain.

Her course has inspired me to go back to school to get my TESL.

You did a great job, Marie!