Ecstatic to have discovered Cozy Grammar

I am absolutely dazzled by the content of this course. As a new Language Arts teacher, I am ecstatic to have discovered Cozy Grammar.

Students so often groan at grammar time. However, now they will be pleading to watch one more lesson in anticipation of what island wonders will be next. The short grammar lessons given by Marie are clear, concise and easy to follow. The music, scenery and cottage grace the lessons with warmth and island beauty. Each clip illustrates beautifully the essence of the lesson. The anticipation of what will come next and how the story will be told keeps me riveted.

Each lesson is an island bouquet. Beautiful paper flowers amongst island greens make common prepositions real. A painting of a rock pool and the brilliant transition to the live pool itself breath life into adjective phrases. The eagle on top of the rock—WOW! The misplaced phrase scene is outrageous and Marie’s laughter contagious. Marie perched high on an eagle rock metaphorically representing coordinate conjunctions is delightfully cheeky and her dialogue with the crab pool a treat for any child or adult. ‘The pool is calm yet alive,’ she says, these words echoing the lessons themselves—calm but filled with life and laughter. The evening scene with the brilliant night sounds and the crackle of fire bring to life the sounds of interjections. The garden scene with Karen, Alexander and Devon is lovely. The little voices of children, their small hands and wonderment are the perfect setting for the conjugation of verbs. The daisy chain gift from Devon to Marie incredibly touching and beautiful. The common errors Elmer scene is an absolute roar.