Film Advisory Board


Film Advisory Board Hollywood CA

Hollywood, CA


Film Advisory Board Children RatingFilm Advisory Board Family Rating

Outstanding!  In our twenty-six years of evaluating family/children’s entertainment and educational products, we have never seen a program quite like ‘THE BASIC COZY GRAMMAR COURSE’!

Marie Rackham, with 34 years of experience as an English teacher is a delightful instructor – and the beautiful surroundings of Campbell River in British Columbia makes for a relaxing and unique learning environment one never wants to leave!

This course is great for kids nine and up and adults alike who wish to improve their speaking and writing skills.  We would also recommend this course to those who speak English as a second language who wish to improve their skills!  This course is ideal for home schooling and should be in every home library!  Kids from nine to 100 will love ‘THE BASIC COZY GRAMMAR COURSE‘!  I can’t say enough wonderful things about it!

Film Advisory Board Elayne Blythe