Homeschool Oasis

Homeschool Oasis Barb Shelton

Review: The Basic Cozy Grammar Course

Is “Grammar” a word that ranks right in there with “spinach” for you?  Actually, spinach is one of my favorite foods, but then grammar is also one of my favorite subjects!  I realize that not everyone shares my enthusiasm for either spinach or grammar, yet, as parents and homeschoolers, we know our children need at least some of both!

Whether you have a young child just beginning to explore the world of grammar, or are an adult who has been “in the dark” on this subject all your life, this 27-lesson grammar course does for your grammatical muscles what spinach does for your physical muscles. And it does so in a delectable, easy-to-swallow manner! Marie Rackham, a retired English teacher, has a delightful way of presenting a full spectrum of grammar basics in a straightforward and non-intimidating manner that lays a thorough foundation of all the grammar basics. Even the most serious cases of “Grammar Phobia” will be cured following Ms. Rackham around her lovely home and beachside property. Cozy ~ one of my favorite words ~ is truly the theme for these lessons as Marie fixes tea, pedals her stationary bicycle, prunes plants in her garden, chops wood (no stunt men; she really does it herself!), and sits by the cozy fire made with the wood! The accompanying workbook is clearly laid out, follows the video lesson by lesson, and is easy to follow and use, reinforcing the lessons taught in each video lesson. The only drawback to this course is that it will make you wish you were there!

(I hope she has a cozy guest room!)

Senior High Book by Barb Shelton Homeschool Oasis