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Review: The Basic Cozy Grammar Course

About.com ESL Guide

English as a Second Language with your Guide Kenneth Beare

In The Spotlight

This video / workbook course focuses on learning a solid grasp of English grammar structure. The tutorials are taught on beautiful Vancouver Island employing an excellently presented multiple-intelligence approach.

Product Summary

The Basic Cozy Grammar Course

Guide Rating – 3 Stars


  • Enjoyable way to learn English grammar terms
  • Video expertly employs a multiple intelligence approach to learning
  • Great for reviewing everything from the basics to complex sentence structure


  • Not for ESL students wanting to focus on conversational English
  • Students need a solid grasp of English to take full advantage of the product

The Bottom Line

A fine product for ESL learners who plan to follow university courses in an English speaking country as the course focuses principally on structural understanding to improve a deeper understanding of the workings of English.

Product Description

  • An entertaining and thorough teacher in a background of spectacular scenery helps students acquire an excellent understanding of English grammar structure.
  • The course provides a companion workbook with which to practice the grammar concepts discussed.
  • The course employs ample listening and visual clues to help students master the ideas presented.

Guide Review

The Basic Cozy Grammar Course is designed for native speakers who want to acquire a solid understanding of English grammar. The course is also well suited to ESL students who need a thorough knowledge of grammar terminology in order to study in a higher education setting. The course takes for granted basic fluency and uses a wide range of vocabulary. This makes the course more suitable to ESL students who already have strong vocabulary skills. The spectacular scenery of Vancouver island provides many entertaining learning situations expertly taken advantage of by Marie Rackham, the author and teacher of the course. Visual and listening cues, as well as repeated key concepts on screen employ a multiple intelligences approach to learning.

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