Simple and clear

Who am I?
A state certified teacher.
A private tutor.
A paid curriculum consultant.
I teach my own 6-year-old, 8-year-old, and 14-year-old.
I teach a 16-year-old recent Russian immigrant.
I teach a high school SLD/dyslexic student.
I tutor several middle- and high-school students in composition (including applied grammar, of course).
So what?
Well, I’m very excited about Marie’s Cozy Grammar course. A friend purchased Cozy Grammar and offered to let me preview it during her 30-day trial period.
The result?
I have purchased the course, and I have since told another friend who has now also purchased the course.
What do we all like about it?
Cozy Grammar is basic–simple and clear in its presentation. The DVD format allows our children to achieve some independence in their instruction as well as review the information as often as necessary.
The backdrops are gorgeous, but not distracting.
Marie is straightforward, consistent, and (my favorite) seems to have a good sense of humor.
I look forward to your next endeavor at Splashes from the River!