The Secret Life of Nouns and Verbs

Or how to get started joyfully with grammar!

Cozy Grammar recently offered a workshop for starting off the learning year with creativity and joy.

Here is a guide to the key topics and where you can find them in the video:

  • The secret two basic building blocks of grammar: 2:08
  • Let’s go noun and verb hunting! 5:52
  • Nouns and verbs can sometimes switch places: 7:37
  • Go hunting for nouns and verbs in disguise! 12:46
  • Nouns and verbs are also the building blocks of stories: 15:10
  • Make space for creative exploration: 16:01
  • What is a gerund? 20:10
  • Remember that you can reach out to Thomas with your questions! 23:41

Take a peek!