
Exercises for Lesson Twenty-Two

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level Two Lesson 22: Exercises For this lesson, I’ve put together two sets of exercises. They will help develop your ability to diagram two-part sentences. Enjoy! PS. Remember, if you have any questions about the material, you can ask them through our Ask Cozy Grammar Q & A program, included[…]

Study Notes from Marie

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level Two Workbook: Lesson 22 from Marie RETURN TO LESSON VIDEOS CONTINUE TO EXERCISES CONTINUE TO LESSON 23 Study Notes Now let’s turn to sentence diagramming. We’ll start with simple sentences: In addition, When diagramming a sentence, begin with a general analysis. Then we can use diagramming to analyze the[…]

Study Notes from Thomas

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level Two Workbook: Lesson 22 from Thomas RETURN TO LESSON VIDEOS GO TO MARIE’S STUDY NOTES CONTINUE TO LESSON 23 Study Notes Welcome to the last five lessons of Level Two of the Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course. All of these lessons will focus on Before we dive into Marie’s introduction,[…]

Exercises for Lesson Twenty-One

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level Two Lesson 21: Exercises For this lesson, I’ve put together four sets of exercises. They will help sharpen your ability to identify the four ways that noun clauses are used as verbals. Enjoy! PS. Remember, if you have any questions about the material, you can ask them through our[…]

Study Notes from Marie

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level Two Workbook: Lesson 21 from Marie RETURN TO LESSON VIDEOS CONTINUE TO EXERCISES CONTINUE TO LESSON 22 Study Notes Now let’s explore noun clauses and verbals. Remember, Noun Clause as the Object of an Infinitive First, For example, Here, the noun clause is what I plan. It is used[…]

Study Notes from Thomas

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level Two Workbook: Lesson 21 from Thomas RETURN TO LESSON VIDEOS GO TO MARIE’S STUDY NOTES CONTINUE TO LESSON 22 Study Notes Now you get to see how all the pieces come together. Way back at the beginning of you might have thought that nouns are just a basic concept:[…]

Exercises for Lesson Twenty

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level Two Lesson 20: Exercises For this lesson, I’ve put together four sets of exercises. They will help sharpen your ability to identify noun clauses and the four ways they are used. Enjoy! PS. Remember, if you have any questions about the material, you can ask them through our Ask[…]

Study Notes from Marie

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level Two Workbook: Lesson 20 from Marie RETURN TO LESSON VIDEOS CONTINUE TO EXERCISES CONTINUE TO LESSON 21 Study Notes Now let’s explore noun clauses. For example, Mural is a noun. I can also say: What I plan is a noun clause. Noun Clause as the Subject of the Verb[…]

Study Notes from Thomas

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level Two Workbook: Lesson 20 from Thomas RETURN TO LESSON VIDEOS GO TO MARIE’S STUDY NOTES CONTINUE TO LESSON 21 Study Notes So now you know about both as well as Can you guess what’s coming next? Yes, just as we have we also have Noun Clauses Marie will be[…]

Exercises for Lesson Nineteen

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level Two Lesson 19: Exercises For this lesson, I’ve put together four sets of exercises. They will help sharpen your ability to identify the four different kinds of adverb clauses. Enjoy! PS. Remember, if you have any questions about the material, you can ask them through our Ask Cozy Grammar[…]

Study Notes from Marie

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level Two Workbook: Lesson 19 from Marie RETURN TO LESSON VIDEOS CONTINUE TO EXERCISES CONTINUE TO LESSON 20 Study Notes Now let’s explore the four different kinds of adverb clauses. Adverb Clauses of Time First, an example of an adverb clause of time. When the tide rises is an adverb[…]

Study Notes from Thomas

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level Two Workbook: Lesson 19 from Thomas RETURN TO LESSON VIDEOS GO TO MARIE’S STUDY NOTES CONTINUE TO LESSON 20 Study Notes As you’ve now seen, Before Marie’s next lesson, I wanted to add a few more points about Adverbial Clauses and Adverb Clauses First, as the language of grammar[…]

Exercises for Lesson Eighteen

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level Two Lesson 18: Exercises For this lesson, I’ve put together four sets of exercises. They will help sharpen your ability to identify adverb clauses. Enjoy! PS. Remember, if you have any questions about the material, you can ask them through our Ask Cozy Grammar Q & A program, included[…]

Study Notes from Marie

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level Two Workbook: Lesson 18 from Marie RETURN TO LESSON VIDEOS CONTINUE TO EXERCISES CONTINUE TO LESSON 19 Study Notes Now let’s explore adverb clauses. Adjective clauses modify verbs, adjectives, or adverbs. Adverb Clauses and Verbs First, an example modifying a verb: When the tide is running is an adverb[…]

Study Notes from Thomas

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level Two Workbook: Lesson 18 from Thomas RETURN TO LESSON VIDEOS GO TO MARIE’S STUDY NOTES CONTINUE TO LESSON 19 Study Notes Just as we have we also have As Marie pointed out, such clauses can be This is an important distinction, so let’s spend a little more time with[…]

Exercises for Lesson Seventeen

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level Two Lesson 17: Exercises For this lesson, I’ve put together four sets of exercises. They will help sharpen your ability to identify adjective clauses and to distinguish between restrictive and nonrestrictive clauses. Enjoy! PS. Remember, if you have any questions about the material, you can ask them through our[…]